Welcome to the return of the Stratfordian, where after a bit of a rethink I have decided to resume a presence online with some Art & Opinion.
As usual I will be offering up my opinion on all things Stratford upon Avon and possibly a word or two on what’s going on in the world.
I don’t expect you to agree with everything I write and that really is the point. I want you to join in. There’s a comment section under each post that I hope you will use.
Something else I will be doing is offering up a selection of my art (which I am continually adding to) under my signature, IFH. I hope you like what I do and maybe even consider purchasing. If you are interested in my work, please drop me a line at ianfharris@outlook.com
What I’m hoping for is you find either section, Art or Opinion interesting enough to take part.
But if not, that’s OK too.
Just enjoy.
The Stratfordian (IHF).
PS. Just to say I am still in the process of adding stuff.
What follows is a selection of my paintings (IFH)
All for sale and all at reasonable prices.
If interested in purchasing, please email ianfharris@outlook.com