Welcome to the return of the Stratfordian, where after a bit of a rethink I have decided to resume a presence online with some Art & Opinion (& Haiku).
As usual I will be offering up my opinion on all things Stratford upon Avon and possibly a word or two on what’s going on in the world.
I don’t expect you to agree with everything I write and that really is the point. I want you to join in. There’s a comment section under each post that I hope you will use.
Something else I will be doing is offering up a selection of my art (which I am continually adding to) under my signature, IFH. I hope you like what I do and maybe even consider purchasing. If you are interested in my work, please drop me a line at ianfharris@outlook.com
Please enjoy.
The Stratfordian (IHF).
PS. You will find that in most cases I do not offer any explanations as to why or what a painting represents. That is because I really hope that a work resounds with you because of a particular meaning that YOU give it. A memory, a sudden realisation whatever. Everything is up to you.
What follows is a selection of my paintings (IFH)
If interested in purchasing, please email ianfharris@outlook.com

Explore sights that sound
even though couched in silence
the water ripples.

£150 the pair.

‘Bovine view’. Acrylic on 16″ x 20″ canvas. £150

Portraits by Ian Frederick Harris (IFH)