A self-inflicted wound

Just wanted to say that I have no pity for the hordes of strange Americans who have administered what can only be described as a self-inflicted wound by voting the idiot Trump to the highest office in the land. It’s the rest of us I worry about.

In some ways it’s understandable that they voted in the way they did as this is a man/monster who speaks the same ‘language’ as his followers do, i.e. no language or, gobbledegook.

He rambles incoherently just as they do and like them cannot string two words together to make a sentence. He thinks in black and white (as they do) and behaves as though life is a Hollywood movie, with him as the ‘hero’ sent to clean up Dodge.

In short, Trump has made it very simple for those that follow him and have put him in the White House. No deep thought. No brain needed.


If there are those that believe that Trump has constructed an incredibly successful plot around himself designed to take control, I would have to say I disagree. Far from it. If there is a conspiracy, then the Trumpster himself is caught up in it and has no idea what is going on. (I believe the Americans would call him a Patsy).

Someone, somewhere is I believe and to put it crudely, pulling the strings. And for the moment, have got what they wanted (4 years). The Presidency is theirs.

They will whisper into Trump’s ear, dripping poison as they go and Trump will have no idea what is happening, convinced that every idea is his and his alone.

Taking advantage of Trump’s monstrous ego and narcissism, they will lead the Chief Idiot like a dog on a chain, always believing that ‘he is the man’, when in fact he is the dummy.

But, as they say, it is no good crying over spilt milk.

One can only hope that the idiot prince begins asap to eat himself.

One can only hope that the fools that surround him and bow shamelessly to his every whim make their mistakes early. That within a year or two the uneducated masses who put this dangerous jester/glove puppet in charge will realise that they have made a horrendous mistake.

Unfortunately, that will only happen when the simple things that they have a grasp on and understand, like food and gas prices, rise.

Meanwhile, there is Trump’s presence on the world stage to worry about. A world stage that his supporters like him, don’t understand but worse than that, couldn’t care less about.

Don’t give up.

Author: Ian

Operating from Stratford upon Avon the Stratfordian will show off his artwork and offer up heart-felt opinions about his home of choice Stratford upon Avon. Why? God knows.

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