Manuella Perteghella. A breath of fresh unpolluted air

The Stratfordian has to say how pleasant it feels in fact, like a breath of fresh unpolluted air.

At last, we can experience a proper politician. Someone who really does have the interests of Stratford upon Avon residents at heart.

For far too long Stratford has had to put up with politicians who were ‘parachuted’ into this so-called safe seat. Politicians who it turned out only cared about themselves and saw Stratford upon Avon as a jumping off point to enhance their own power and wealth.

We have had too many years of the posh and rarely seen Tory sitting at the top table doing nothing unless it helped his cronies and enhanced his own lifestyle.

At last, we have a Member of Parliament who can do a proper job.

Manuella PerteghellaManuella Perteghella (Liberal Democrat) is someone who I know we can have confidence in. Perhaps more than that, someone we can trust.

A true representative of the people no matter if you voted for her or not. In these times of world-wide political uncertainty, a diamond in the rough. A person with no hidden agenda who will I’m sure, make regular payments to the Inland Revenue.

The Stratfordian wishes her well. Power to her elbow and long may it last.

Author: Ian

Operating from Stratford upon Avon the Stratfordian will show off his artwork and offer up heart-felt opinions about his home of choice Stratford upon Avon. Why? God knows.

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