So good to hear Bishop Marianne Budde giving the head idiot Trump a good going over with a reminder of the teachings of Jesus Christ on of all things, mercy and forgiveness. You know the basic stuff on, even if you are not a Christian, ‘how to be a decent human being’.
What was quite astonishing were the photographs/and videos of the idiot Trump and his assembled ‘friends’ and family and their weird reaction.

Sat in cloud formation and as the bishop’s words hit home, they sort of undulated as one. As the Bishop’s wise words fell amongst them, they, like waves of human sludge in shock, rose and fell in slow motion (even the idiot Trump woke up). It was a sight to behold and really did make the Stratfordian wonder if there were any truth in the reptilian theory.
To be fair, most of the idiot’s adoring crowd had no idea what was going on. Most of them looking blankly into space wondering, ‘What is this place. What am I doing here and how much money am I going to make over the next four years.
However, some of the gang did make a word to brain connection and actually did manage to show a reaction. The words had hit home but unfortunately, not in the way they were meant to.
If that was shock on the faces of the plastic gathered there, it was based around the bishop’s audacity, a ‘how dare she’ moment, not on the actual words she was speaking.
The words themselves? Forget them, in one ear and out the other.
There was a moment when one could be fooled that the head idiot knew something was up. However, that went to waste when one realised that the effort he was putting in was to stay awake.
I should imagine the actual moment of awareness and understanding of what had just happened occurred for the idiot Trump when whoever had the brain cell that day told him the bad news, relating carefully the words of the Bishop and Jesus Christ combined.
Anyway, the idiot’s reaction was his usual, using the most powerful words in his arsenal, ‘Nasty’ & ‘Smart’ in various combinations.
Anyway, the point of this rant, is to say how delightful it is at last, to see a clergy person doing their job and standing up for the underdog. And in a public arena too.
Unfortunately, this is something we don’t see much of in the UK. The UK clergy only hitting the headlines when they go off subject and talk about themselves (Archbishop of Canterbury) or admitting their mistakes over rogue, usually oversexed clergy (take your pick).
If there are some clergy out there with balls (no disrespect to Bishop Budde), then I apologise. But you really must come out of your pulpits and shout louder about injustice.
That’s your job.
Right on, bro! Normally with the odd exception getting to be a bishop means having your spine surgically removed